Bifidobacterium breve – B632 (DSM 24706)

Tabella dei contenuti

Clinical indications

antipathogenic activity, asthma, celiac disease, rebalance of intestinal microbiota

Area of use

Gastroenterology blend | Baby colic

  • Bifidobacterium breve – BR03 (DSM 16604)
  • Bifidobacterium breve – B632 (DSM 24706)


1,3) 100 million CFU + 100 million CFU
2) 1 billion CFU + 1 billion CFU

Gaseous colic • Prevention of gastrointestinal symptoms • Rebalance of the intestinal microbiota in children and in infants • Inhibition of Enterobacteriaceae and of other coliforms isolated from colicky infants

Scientific support

Human clinical trials
1) Bona G. et al. The association of BR03 and B632 is effective to prevent colics in bottle-fed infants: a pilot, controlled, randomized and double blind study. Published in J Clin Gastroenterol, 2016.
2) Giglione E. et al. The Association of Bifidobacterium breve BR03 and B632 is Effective to Prevent Colics in Bottle-fed Infants: A Pilot, Controlled, Randomized, and Double-Blind Study. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2016 Nov/Dec; 50 Suppl. 2, Proceedings from the 8th Probiotics, Prebiotics & New Foods for Microbiota and Human Health meeting held in Rome, Italy on September 13-15, 2015:S164-S167.
3) Aloisio I. et al. Three-Month Feeding Integration With Bifidobacterium Strains Prevents Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Healthy Newborns. Frontiers in Nutrition, May 2018, art. 39.
4) Mogna L. et al. Capability of the Two Microorganisms Bifidobacterium breve B632 and Bifidobacterium breve BR03 to Colonize the Intestinal Microbiota of Children J Clin Gastroenterol, 2014. Suppl. 1, November/
December, Vol. 48.

In vitro studies
a) Simone M. et al. The Probiotic Bifidobacterium breve B632 Inhibited the Growth of Enterobacteriaceae within Colicky Infant Microbiota Cultures. BioMed Research International 1- 6, 2014.
b) Aloisio I. et al. Characterization of Bifidobacterium spp. strains for the treatment of enteric disorders in newborns. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2012, 96:1561–1576.
c) Nicola S. et al. Interaction between probiotics and human immune cells: the prospective anti-inflammatory activity of Bifidobacterium breve BR03. AgroFOOD, 2010; 21(2):S44-47.
d) Mogna L. et al. Assessment of the In Vitro Inhibitory Activity of Specific Probiotic Bacteria Against Different Escherichia coli strains. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2012; 46 Suppl.S29-32.
e) Del Piano M. et al. In Vitro Sensitivity of Probiotics to Human Pancreatic Juice. J Clin Gastroenterol. Vol 42, Suppl. 3, Part 2, Sept. 2008. (DSM 20074 was re-deposited as 22106).

Gastroenterology blend | Celiac disease

  • Bifidobacterium breve – BR03 (DSM 16604)
  • Bifidobacterium breve – B632 (DSM 24706)


1,3) 100 million CFU + 100 million CFU
2) 1 billion CFU + 1 billion CFU

Decrease inflammation in celiac disease

Scientific support

Human clinical trials
1) Mogna L. et al. Capability of the two microorganisms B632 and BR03 to colonize the intestinal microbiota of children. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2014; 48 Suppl:S37-39.
2) Klemenak M. et al. Administration of decreases the production of TNF-α in children with celiac disease. Dig Dis Sci (2015).
3) Quagliariello A. et al. Effect of Bifidobacterium breve on the Intestinal Microbiota of Coeliac Children on a Gluten Free Diet: A Pilot Study. Nutrients. 2016 Oct 22;8(10). pii:E660.
4) Primec M. et al. Clinical intervention using Bifidobacterium strains in celiac disease children reveals novel microbial modulators of TNF-a and short-chain fatty acids. Clinical Nutrition 2018, 1-9.

Immunology blend | Asthma

  • Lactobacillus salivarius – LS01 (DSM 22775)
  • Bifidobacterium breve – B632 (DSM 24706)


Immunomodulatory activity in asthmatic subjects

Scientific support

Clinical study on-going on asthma

+ Internal data available on the immunomodulation capacities of the strains

Urology strain | Antiphatogenic activity


Inhibition of pathogens E. coli and Enterobacteriaceae

Scientific support

In vitro studies
a) Mogna L. et al. Assessment of the in vitro inhibitory activity of specific probiotic bacteria against different Escherichia coli strains (LP01, LP02, LR04, LR06, LPS01, LDD01, BR03, B632). J Clin Gastroenterol. 2012; 46 Suppl:S29-32.
b) Simone M. et al. The Probiotic Bifidobacterium breve B632 Inhibited the Growth of Enterobacteriaceae within Colicky Infant Microbiota Cultures. BioMed Research International 1-6, 2014.

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