Lactobacillus reuteri – LRE02 (DSM 23878)

Tabella dei contenuti

Clinical indications

antipathogenic activity, immune stimulation

Area of use

Gastroenterology strain | Antipathogenic activity


Production of reuterin and vitamin B12 • Anti-pathogen activity and immunostimulation (induction of IFN-gamma)

Scientific support

Internal data available upon request

Urology strain | Kidney stones


Oxalate degradation • Reduction of intestinal inflammation • Potential reduction of kidney stones incidence

Scientific support

In vitro studies
Mogna L. et al. Screening of different probiotic strains for their in vitro ability to metabolise oxalates: any prospective use in humans? (LPC09, LA02, LP01, LRE02, BR03, BL03) J Clin Gastroenterol. 2014; 48 Suppl:S91-95.

+ Internal data on anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties available upon request on certain strains

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